Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Bucket List

I always knew the places I wanted to visit so this is just putting them on paper. I don't know if I will ever visit them, but these are the places that I know will have a hypnotic effect on me when I visit them, I know exactly what tune will be ringing in my ears while I am witnessing these gems. Fingers crossed.

Wishlist (Geographical)
  1. Manasarovar and Kailash Parvat
  2. Cappadocia Turkey.
  3. Lake Baikal Siberia
  4. Masai Mara 
  5. Ushuaia, Argentina (Southernmost town in South America, end of the world town)
  6. Fjords of Iceland 
  7. Galapagos Islands
  8. Cooks Island South America
  9. Whole of New Zealand
  10. Sundarbans
  11. Rann of Kutch 
  12. Andaman Nicobar Islands
  13. Salt Flats of Bolivia (Salar De Uyuni)
  14. Amazon Forests
  15. Every Small fishing town in the world